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Psychic Angel Readings in Hamilton, Ontario
Canada, Near Toronto, Burlington, Oakville & Niagara Falls By One of Canada's Gifted Psychics

Psychic Angel Readings in Hamilton, Ontario,Canada
near Toronto, Burlington, Oakville & Niagara Falls
By One of Canada's Gifted Psychics

I use all of my gifts and various forms of divination tools in the readings I provide.

"Rose is a powerful, professional, gifted, psychic, medium, angel guide and healer; most of her guidance comes directly from her various gifts and she uses the divination tools as a support and confirmation of the guidance she receives for you. She has been assisting others with her gifts for over 20 years and working directly with the angelic realm for over 10 years now."


How I Approach My Work

This is a private, in-person session (also video and via telephone) for a duration 15 minutes (phone only), 30 minutes (video OR phone only), 45 minutes, 60 minutes, 90 minutes, 2 hours and so on.  I do pray during your session and I ask that any beings of light be it: angels, guides and passed on loved ones surround you so that you can feel their presence and feel a closer connection with them as a result of spending your time with me. A key component of this session is an Angel Reading and I do have the angels work with you before and after the session to assist you in clearing, healing and attracting the various things that may have come up for you in the session.  I provide a reading of your angels, and convey the messages I see, hear, feel, and know, giving you the opportunity for healing, inspiration, and insight.  This session is for you to explore any issues you wish with the help of your angels and spirit guides.  We may also receive guidance and support from archangels, ascended masters, deceased loved ones, deceased pets, or Spirit, who often show up during an Angel Reading and / or Healing session.  I feel all of my work has some form of healing involved in it.

I receive loving and supportive messages from your guides and angels and communicate that to you during the session.  Often, I am guided to relay information, symbolic visions, ask questions, or make suggestions that will help you achieve positive changes in your life.  This Angel Psychic Medium Reading Session is an opportunity for you to connect with your spiritual team of helpers, including your own guardian angels. 

While I am working with you I may get an idea of specific Archangels who would like to assist you at this time in your journey of self-discovery and we will work with their energy. I will do my best to explain the various gifts they have and the support they want to give you.

 I like to bring in the oracle cards near the end of the session to perhaps expand on the guidance given and also confirm what we were working on.  I end the session with a specific inspirational message from Spirit / God / Your Higher Self which usually is quite appropriate for you at the time.

I may also be guided by the angels to offer various healing methods with the help of the angels, for you to overcome relationship conflict, personal health issues, work and career situations, or family issues.  I may work with the angels to help you let go of self-sabotaging and limiting beliefs that may be holding you back.  I may be guided by your angels to offer some spiritual coaching during the session for you to work through certain issues.  I may also send you home with various tools for you to use and incorporate in your life so that you feel more connected with your guides, Spirit, angels and Archangels as result of spending your time with me.

Your session may include an opportunity for chakra clearing, guided meditation, angelic healing methods, or direct channeling of spiritual guidance. 

The Results: What YOU Will Receive In Our Session

1) A lightness and a relief from the situation that was most bothering you before you came to see me.

2) A deeper sense of clarity on HOW to move forward.

3) Excitement about the many opportunities you have available to you as a result of what we spoke of in the session.

4) Ability to sleep more soundly in the night.

5) A closer connection with your guides, angels and passed on loved ones.

6) You will see the relationship or job situation that you are in from a much more positive perspective making it easier to handle and move forward with.

7) A clearer understanding of how the universe / god / spirit /the higher power you believe in works.

8) The ability to move forward confidently in the direction you choose.

**Note: Some results may vary depending on the situation you came to me for. There may also be other things I suggest to you to purchase for yourself to benefit your continued growth and well-being. Please understand this is because I would be being guided to make sure you have enough support to truly assist yourself after you leave my presence. If I suggest that you come back to do a little more work with me I want you to know that it’s because I KNOW there is more that I am meant to do with you to support you on your journey! In most cases it’s to support you energetically but also there may be extra that is required for me to teach and share with you but you may not be ready for this information in our first session.

My true intention is to empower YOU and support YOU on YOUR PATH. I want to see you grow and feel a deeper connection with spirit / god / your higher power / angels/ higher self / guides and past on loved ones as a result of working with me!


All My LOVE,



My gifts are:

The Divination Tools:

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mail to:rose@theperfectrose.ca


NOTE* Please view my Pricing Page For a breakdown of my current rates!!!
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have a per-minute session by going to
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**NOTE: You must sign up for an account and all funds are in US dollars

The Perfect Rose Pricing


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The Perfect Rose: Psychic Medium Consultant, Clairvoyant, Healer & Spiritual Teacher
Psychic Medium Reader & Consultant

Rose is one of Hamilton Ontario’s local psychics performing professional psychic medium readings and consultations near Toronto, Burlington, Brantford, Oakville, Ancaster, Dundas, Selkirk, Stoney Creek and Niagara Falls.

348 Catharine Street North
Hamilton, Ontario
L8L 8A1

One of Canada's Best Professional Psychics and Mediums Consultants, Clairvoyant, Numerologists, Astrologers, Advisors Channel Rose Ann Kulyk owner of The Perfect Rose Located in Hamilton, Ontario Canada, is Here to Help, Heal, Educate and Empower Men and Women in Hamilton, Ancaster, Binbrook, Brantford, Burlington, Caledonia, Cambridge, Chatham, Dundas, Dunnville, Grimsby, Guelph, London, Kitchener, Niagara Falls, Fort Erie, Mississauga, Oakville, Simcoe, Stoney Creek, Selkirk, Toronto, Waterdown, Winona, Windsor and all other areas of Southern Ontario Canada.

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