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Rose is a professional psychic medium advisor & consultant —intuitive reader / regression therapist / spiritual teacher / healer / channel / and intuitive spiritual life coach.   Her gifts are clairsentience, claircognizance, clairaudience and clairvoyance.   She has been blessed to be taught by Doreen Virtue as an ATP® since 2002 and also experienced the Mediumship/Mentorship program with Doreen Virtue in 2003.  She is an IET Master Instructor (since 2003), Reiki Master (since 2001) her first and second degree Reiki was with Ellen Sutherland.

She is an Advanced Crystal Healer (Katrina Raphaell teachings since 2002) certified by Margherita Vondrak, a Refelxologist(2002) and an avid student of A Course In Miracles and similar teachings called Effortless Prosperity (a simplified, advanced version of ACIM) a student and teacher of the Law of Attraction, a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapist® taught by Dolores Cannon (this method assisted Doreen Virtue in her mission) and is also a Life Coach.

Rose has also recently graduated from Web Design(2010) as well as continues to study and grow daily.




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